Sunday, April 24, 2005

Lazy Me

Haven't written a single word for 5 days. That's not to say I have nothing to write; on the contrary there are tens of ideas, hundreds of words fooling aimlessly around my brain but I just can't sit and spit them out on paper...or the keyboard I should say.

I think I am too happy to write nowadays.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi! i'm new to blogspot, and am just randomly searching around. why are you so happy now?

you have good english, where did you learn it? are you Turkish or just living there?

you like plays? you seem to know about many... hope to see you around.


24 April, 2005 21:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for your praise of my English. I am Turkish actually but I was lucky enough to attend an American College here in Istanbul for 7 years.

Plays...yeah I like them. They are generally easier and sometimes more fun to read than novels. Of course I am excluding the likes of Shakespeare:)

Last but not the least, why am I so happy now...

I don't know...sometimes you just are.

Hope to see you in my blog more often. I'll be checking yours in a moment. Bye for now.

24 April, 2005 22:14  
Blogger fatima said...

seni de 2 gün bos birakmaya gelmiyor be nokicim. :)

nutella konusunda da avcunu yalarsin :P

24 April, 2005 23:53  
Blogger fatima said...

dear kalipay,
don't believe in the words of this lazy-man. does he seem like a turkish guy anyways?
what kind of a turkish man likes plays and understands about literature and listens to kevin moore and write some reviews upon the lyrics correlating with his own life?
he is not turkish.
he is not even a human.
he just has some sense of humour to act like one. but i don't think it's fun anymore.
now you, nocturnal. come out of the place you are hiding when i say "waffle". :)

24 April, 2005 23:58  
Blogger fatima said...


24 April, 2005 23:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's risky complimenting someone. They may end up losing themselves...

But not me of course;)

By the way, I guess someone is dying to order me a waffle in Bebek...Moda would do just as fine also.

25 April, 2005 13:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bende boğuldun sanmıştım :) bgn yazdıklarını görünce,sevindim...

25 April, 2005 15:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erm şey bi ricam olacak, yorum yaparken lütfen "anonymous" yorum yapmayın. Comment penceresinde "other"ı işaretleyip isminizi ya da nickinizi fln yazın.

Haa ben şu an çok iyi biliyorum bir üstteki yorum kime ait o ayrı konu:) Neyse, eğer bir gün "boğulacak" olursam ilk haberi olacak olanlardan birisin zaten endişelenme;)

25 April, 2005 15:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mesaj alınmıştır :)

25 April, 2005 16:33  
Blogger fatima said...

dear nocturnal;
now let's make a good plan by the guidance of your quite suitable quote "By the way, I guess someone is dying to order me a waffle in Bebek."
how about, you take place in the "dying" part of this meaningful sentence and i play my role as (hey) little girl eating a waffle fulla srawberry and pine-apple and banana slices laying upon a chocolate fulfilled basal lamina.
i'm planning to see you on 6th of may. you know what i mean. give me a ring sometime. the drown man. hah :)

25 April, 2005 18:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well well well. I guess I see what those compliments were all about. You want a waffle huh. Then a waffle you shall have.

On that 6th of May thing...we'll talk later. I have some personal issues to solve about that day first of all:)

25 April, 2005 20:15  
Blogger fatima said...

if the compliments are true, would a waffle be an issue anyways?
dear kalipay;
as you can see, this gorgeous guy is also a very generous one. if you read the whole blog and asking for why he is complaining all the time, you'd better turn back to my initial message.
he is an alien.

25 April, 2005 21:27  

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